Prophetic Character: Tafsīr of Surah Qalam

This class provides an in-depth exploration of Surah Al-Qalam.

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About The course

This class provides an in-depth exploration of Surah Al-Qalam, one of the earliest revelations that emphasizes the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the challenges he faced in conveying the message of Islam. Through a detailed tafsir of the surah, students will reflect on themes of steadfastness, moral excellence, and the trials of the righteous. The course will also explore the symbolic significance of the pen (Al-Qalam) and its connection to divine knowledge and accountability. By analyzing the historical and linguistic aspects of the surah, students will gain valuable insights into how its lessons apply to contemporary struggles in upholding truth and integrity.

Course Objectives

  • Explore the surah’s core messages of prophetic character, perseverance in the face of opposition, and the role of divine knowledge in guiding humanity.
  • Examine the meanings of key verses, their connection to early Meccan society, and how they addressed the challenges faced by the Prophet ﷺ.
  • Reflect on how the surah’s teachings can inspire patience, integrity, and reliance on Allah in the face of personal and societal challenges.

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Prophetic Character: Tafsīr of Surah Qalam

This class provides an in-depth exploration of Surah Al-Qalam.
Imam Ali Hofioni

About the Series

This class provides an in-depth exploration of Surah Al-Qalam, one of the earliest revelations that emphasizes the noble character of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the challenges he faced in conveying the message of Islam. Through a detailed tafsir of the surah, students will reflect on themes of steadfastness, moral excellence, and the trials of the righteous. The course will also explore the symbolic significance of the pen (Al-Qalam) and its connection to divine knowledge and accountability. By analyzing the historical and linguistic aspects of the surah, students will gain valuable insights into how its lessons apply to contemporary struggles in upholding truth and integrity.

Course Objectives
  • Explore the surah’s core messages of prophetic character, perseverance in the face of opposition, and the role of divine knowledge in guiding humanity.
  • Examine the meanings of key verses, their connection to early Meccan society, and how they addressed the challenges faced by the Prophet ﷺ.
  • Reflect on how the surah’s teachings can inspire patience, integrity, and reliance on Allah in the face of personal and societal challenges.

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