The Art of Forgiveness
It is not a coincidence that in the Qur’an, when Allah (SWT) calls Himself The All Forgiving, The Most Merciful, he often precedes that statement with a call to mankind to forgive one another, showcasing the divinity of the action and its main purpose. The difficulties surrounding forgiveness displays its potential in gaining peace and barakah from Allah (SWT). The act frees us from the bonds of negative emotions and opens us to the opportunity to heal.
Ustadha Dunia Shuaib

Ustadha Dunia Shuaib is a passionate and ongoing student of sacred knowledge and Islamic psychology, the founder and executive director of Guided Hearts Institute, an educator, internationally renowned lecturer, and author. Through a holistic and integrative approach she combines the Quran and Sunnah, rich Islāmic tradition, Islamic psychology and modern psychology to help educate and inspire Muslims to reach their greatest potential. She continually strives to provide high quality psycho-spiritual education in a way that is easily accessible.