Section Objectives:
- Masculine vs Feminine nouns
- Signs of a Feminine word
- Signs of a Masculine word
Section Objectives:
Indefinite vs Definite
- How to make a word definite
- What is a tanween?
- Subject vs Predicate
Section Objectives:
- How to make a word definite
- What is a tanween?
- Subject vs Predicate
Section Objectives:
Review and Sentence structure practice
Section Objectives:
- Male and Female pronouns
- Attached and detached
- Quantity
- Analysis of Surah Baqarah
Section Objectives:
- Root letters
- Conjugation
- Affirmed verbal forms
- Negated verbal forms
Section Objectives:
- Recognizing signs of Mudhare
- Createing a present tense verb
- Affirmed verbal forms
- Negated verbal forms
Section Objectives:
- What is Amr?
- How to formulate an Amr verb?
- Prohibition forms
- Review
Section Objectives:
Test your Nahw and Sarf knowledge. A score of 80% or better is required to earn your Arabic certification.